Stainless Steel Dutch Weave Mesh

Stainless steel Dutch weave mesh, also known as Dutch cloth or dense mesh, stands out for its exceptional filtering performance.

Features of Stainless Steel Dutch Weave Mesh:

Zero Aperture Sizes:

Dutch weave mesh has tightly woven structures with zero aperture sizes.

Ideal for precise filtration and separation.

Dual Wire Diameters:

Unlike plain or twill weave, Dutch weave uses different wire diameters in the weft and warp directions.

Coarser warp wires provide high tensile strength, while finer weft wires ensure efficient filtration.

Types of Dutch Weave:

Plain Dutch Weave:

Combines Dutch and plain weaves.

Coarse warp wires alternate over and under fine weft wires.

Used for liquid and slurry filtration.

Twill Dutch Weave:

Combines Dutch and twill weaves.

Finer openings than plain Dutch weave.

Suitable for demanding applications.


Mechanical Stability:

Dutch weave offers greater stability compared to plain weave.

Ensures longevity and reliability.

Efficient Filtration:

Finer openings enhance filtration efficiency.

Ideal for critical processes.



Stainless Steel Printing Mesh

Stainless Steel Printing Mesh

Stainless Steel Dutch Weave Mesh